My Blog


It's been a bit of a long week with my OpenGL project having large issues with the libraries not functioning and throwing hundreds of errors. I also released my first article and on the 18th i'm releasing another all about procedural generation in game development


Hello and welcome this is my first entry for my blog which I hope to update weekly from now on and i'm mostly just going to talk about what i'm doing today. Right now i'm working on my university project where i'm making a clone of the original Mario Bros as well as a project in OpenGL 1.1 to learn the ropes of programming a 3D environment, been thinking about making a Mario 64 or Zelda Ocarina of Time clone with the project although for now i'm keeping it simple and just making a simple environment that a player can interact with.

My Articles

AI Dungeon and the Future of Game Design

(18/02/20) The use of AI to procedurally generate worlds in games has led to the rise of whole genres of games with games like The Binding of Isaac having randomly generating levels and items from pre-existing items, enemies and rooms making up the Roguelike genre and the use of block, voxel generation from Minecraft making up the voxel crafting survival.

How to not Fail a Game Jam

(11/02/20) As we enter the week since the Global Game Jam and we wait for the next big jam on the horizon, I wanted to give my opinion of how to not fail a game jam for anyone looking to compete in upcoming jams like Ludum Dare 46 in April and are afraid of not doing so well. In this article I will outline 2 ways that can help you complete your jam.